Giving to the Lord

My name is Doris Hong and this testimony is about giving to the Lord.

In 2012 I retired from my job of 37 years – Thank God! So, I decided to change my iPhone 4 to a Samsung smartphone thinking that I will have plenty of free time to learn how to use a new handphone. My thought was to quickly sell off iPhone 4 since it is still quite a sought-after item and may still fetch a good price.

Migrating from one phone model to another is quite a challenge particularly to older folks like me! However, I manage to copy/export all contacts, messages, and photos to the new Samsung phone. After that I deleted everything from the iPhone 4, but strangely I was not able to delete the photos and photo albums. I seek help from the YouTube as well as my tech savvy nephews. I even handover the iPhone 4 to one of them but he returned it saying “cannot do, don’t know why.” I was disappointed because I can’t sell this iPhone with all my photos in it. Frustrated, I put it aside and put off the idea of even selling it.

In 2015 (that is, 2.5 years after retirement), my ex-Company re-hired me with fairly good perks plus I was granted a 4-day week work at my request. This, I consider is God’s favour. Supposedly for a 3 months’ contract I ended up working for 16 months. I reckon this is another God’s great favour because none of my ex-colleagues, those who have retired before me were ever re-hired.

I was so grateful to God for His provisions so when I received my first pay packet, I decided to bless someone in additional to my regular tithings. The Holy Spirit prompted me to bless a wheelchair-bound brother, so I did.

A few weeks later, my sister-in-law texted me if I have an iPhone 4 for sale as her helper’s friend is interested to purchase one, and is willing to pay $230 for it. I told her that I have one but I can’t delete the photos in it. She suggested I try again. So, I tried and selected “Setting” and with two more clicks (I can’t remember what it was now) and all the photos and albums were gone. That was really amazing! Till today I still can’t figure out why I can’t do that before. I have kept this old iPhone for 2.5 years!

Happily, I sold it for $230, the blessings I gave to that brother was $270. Later, I found out that this iPhone 4 was worth about $80-$100 if sold at second hand phone shops. Praise God! God is really our “JEHOVAH JIREH”! Proverbs 3: 9 “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;…” holds so true in my walk with the Lord all these years that as I give to His Kingdom’s work and the needy, God will never short change me and, at times bless me with more than what I gave.

As a young Christian in my early 20s-30s, I don’t tithe at all, but just an offering here and there. It was not until I heard a series of powerful sermons on tithings/offerings by Ps Derek. I then seriously decided to tithe 10% of my gross salary; as my salary increases, my tithings increased. I also pledge a regular contribution to a Christian organization that cares for the handicapped; and supported my missionary sister for years. Never defaulted on my tithings, and giving to these causes. Praise the Lord!

Above testimony may seem rather insignificant but what is most significant at least for me is that by 2009 I manage to purchase, and co-own a house in Perth with my sister (who now lives there). Two years later in 2001, I purchase this 4-room HDB flat. Both these properties are fully paid without any bank loan – not a single cent for bank interest. I am amazed and grateful that this is even possible because I am a single income earner, how God kept His promises. Praise God!

Hope I don’t sound like boasting – but just boast about our Jehovah Jireh – our Provider! Continuing with Proverbs 3: 9 “then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.”

Like to end this testimony with another verse from…

2 Corinthians 9: 6-7

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I give God all the Glory!