Before Jesus left His disciples to return to His Father in heaven, He commanded them to
“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
As we see in the Book of Acts, a healthy church is a growing church – where numbers are regularly added. But more than people moving from one church to another, our heart at Good Gifts City Church is to see new converts coming to the faith. Intrinsic to this is Outreach.
Christian Outreach is always twofold: It’s both a ‘lifestyle posture’ (individual responsibility), and an ‘intentional pursuit’ (corporate responsibility).
As a lifestyle posture, members of Good Gifts City Church are encouraged to model attractive lives in character and conduct. An authentic Christian life opens up opportunities for dialogue where pre-believers can be drawn into a conversation where the God of the Bible is introduced.
As an ‘intentional pursuit,’ the Church is to host events and activities to invite pre-believers to, where they can hear the Gospel. There are many ways of doing this.
In the past, Good Gifts City Church has been involved in Evangelism Training, Street Ministry, Prayer Walks, and Social Outreach.
Currently, the core leaders of Good Gifts City Church are exploring different programs/activities/events that will foster platforms for intentional evangelistic outreach. More will be posted as this unfolds.